Thursday, October 25, 2012

                I was sitting at home the other day and I could not for the life of me think of a topic to blog about. Nothing exceptionally good or bad had happened to me in the recent past. I had reached a complete mental block. I was staring at the screen of my computer, trying to come up with an idea when I heard a shriek that could shatter glass. I looked up from over the screen to see my brother sprint out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist. His face was as white as a ghost. When I asked my brother what happened he said “There was a spider”. Really? A spider?  That’s what made my brother, the starting linebacker and guard of the Alden JV football team, screech like a prepubescent girl?  I would understand if it was a fist sized Tarantula that just crawled up the drain, but it wasn’t. This spider was maybe the size of a quarter, and I’m being generous when I say this.
This got me thinking though. Why are people so afraid of spiders? Not once in my life have I come into contact with a spider and thought “Wow. This thing might kill me”. I’m not saying that I’m abnormally brave or anything, because that is not the case. All I’m trying to say is that of all of the scary things in the world, why would you waste your time being afraid of that? We don’t live in an underdeveloped country with baby-sized spiders crawling around that have the power to kill a grown man with no medical supplies around for miles. The worst spiders around here can do when they bite you is leave a tiny bump that can sometimes itch. All it takes to solve that problem is a trip to the gas station for some cheap ani-itch cream. Also, the saying that spiders are just afraid of you as you are of it is completely ridiculous. Would you be afraid of anyone who screamed like my brother did?

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