Thursday, October 11, 2012

C4. Why I am not a morning person
                I am not a morning person, I have never been. I can’t stand waking up a six thirty every morning for school. It’s unnatural for me to wake up before the sun is out. When I have to get up that early I am never completely awake until about noon. Every morning I have to rush to get to school on time. This normally results in me forgetting something or at least me thinking that I did. Last week I was in a hurry to leave I grabbed my shoes from by the back door and went to get my water bottle for football from the freezer.  When I opened the freezer door I set my shoes down to retrieve the water bottle. I then put it in my backpack and went to brush my teeth. Once my teeth were brushed I was ready to leave, but then I realized that I had not yet put my shoes. Frantically I searched the entire house and even the back yard in case my dog took it out there. I was about to put on an old pair of shoes when remembered that the last time I had them was when I got my water bottle out of the freezer. Quickly I ran upstairs to find both of my shoes sitting in the freezer. Relived, I put on my shoes and got to school with less than a minute to spare. That is just one example of the stupid things I do in the morning. My sisters never had this problem when they were in school. My brother doesn’t have a problem with getting up either. Even my parents are used to waking up early. Everybody in my family can function in the morning except for me. 

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