Monday, October 1, 2012

B4. Why Carl is the worst character in The Walking Dead.
                On October 14th, the popular AMC series, The Walking dead will return for another season. I am excited to see what will happen in the new season, but I’m not excited to see Carl. For those of you who don’t know who Carl is, he is the 12 year old son of the main character, Rick Grimes, who always wears a ridiculous cowboy hat. In every episode, Carl manages to screw something up. Carl’s one and only job is to stay in the house, and he even manages to mess that up.  He is so bad at this job that it has gotten several people killed. Dale’s death was completely Carl’s fault. Carl decided that it would be a good idea to go into the woods alone without telling anybody. He then approached a zombie that was stuck in the mud and ended up getting stuck himself. Instead of killing it, he ran away. By that night the zombie had managed to escape and find the farm where it eventually bit Dale. Had Carl stayed in the house like he was supposed to, Dale would be fine and life would be good, but Carl’s mistakes have caused countless problems for the group. What I don’t understand is why they make Glenn do all of the dangerous work. They should make Carl do these things, since Glenn is actually a competent member of their post-apocalyptic society. Would it really be so bad if Carl was sent to get some supplies from the nearby town and didn't come back? Carl is more of a liability than an asset anyway.                
                Carl is quite possibly the worst person to have to survive the end of the world with. I would rather be stuck in an alien invasion with Dakota Fanning than be stuck in the zombie apocalypse with Carl. He may very well be the most annoying child on television.

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