Monday, October 1, 2012

                I have had a lot of great moments in my life. One of them was when I beat my brother in a swimming race. This, however, was no ordinary race. This was a race in forty degree water with a twenty dollar reward for the winner.  It all started when Chris and I finished helping my dad open up our pool last April. My Dad bet me and my brother five dollars that we wouldn't go in the pool. Neither of us did for only five dollars, so my dad told us that he would give the winner of a race twenty dollars. We agreed to do this after we made sure he wasn't bluffing. The entire time it took us to get ready we trash talked. My brother would call me a girl or something like that and I would retaliate with an oh-so witty comeback. The more he spoke, the more I wanted to beat him. By the time we were ready we were actually angry at each other. It was decided that the race would be two laps long. Then we were ready to race. I dove into the frigid water and was immediately stunned by how cold it was. I felt my muscles start to tense up and my heart rate increased. I was so shocked that I hadn't realized how far behind I had fallen. I snapped out of it when I remembered what he called me and in a second I was in the lead. I steadily made my way to the finish line in first place. I had proved my brother wrong and was endlessly proud of myself. That was not the greatest moment in my life. The greatest moment in my life was when I saw his face when he saw that I bought him a bikini and a pair of water wings with the twenty dollars I won.    

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