Thursday, October 25, 2012

                It’s hard to decide which teacher has impacted me the most. In one way or another I have been impacted by every one of my teachers. The teacher that I have picked may come as a surprise to some people, but believe it or not, that teacher is Mr. Papagni. I was in Mr. Papagni’s science class for both seventh and eighth grade. Although his teaching methods are different and sometimes just plain weird, I found them to be very effective. Some of his antics included kicking the recycling bin, crawling on the floor and shouting at students in an imaginary alien language. He is also known for putting his head in the sink and being quite amused at how it amplified his voice. He would deal with students who acted out by being just as ridiculous as they were. I remember hearing the most bazar thing one day during science. I was making up a test in the room across the hall and toward the end of the period I heard a loud scream coming from Mr. Papagni, followed by a  three minute song about why he hates it when students start to pack up before it’s time to go. This song even included several kazoo solos. I found myself sitting in front of my unfinished test, unsure of what just happened. I ended up getting a 100% on the test, by the way, proving that his methods of teaching are effective. His original composition later became known as “the paper shuffling song”. I believe that it was his odd sense of humor that made it easy to learn about science. His unorthodox way of teaching is why I still like this subject so much. I can’t say that about every other teacher that I have ever had.

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