Friday, September 28, 2012

                When people ask me if I use Facebook I smile and say “no”. Facebook, in my opinion, is the biggest waste of time that you can find on the internet. It’s a waste of my time because I just don’t care about what people post about. Seven out of ten posts give out information that I don’t need or want. It seems pointless to me to post something that happened to you on Facebook. Knowing that two girls I vaguely know used to be best friends but never talk anymore will never benefit me in any way. Ever. It’s just not something I’d care to know about. Facebook’s only redeeming quality is that it can sometimes be fun to read the fights that people have. Facebook seems to do more harm than good anyway. People can get in a lot of trouble for the things they post. When people are angry at each other they tend to go on Facebook and post something stupid without really thinking about it. It could be considered cyber bullying and you can get into serious trouble in school because of this. Also, possible employers can use your Facebook to determine whether or not they will hire you. Although I hate Facebook and will never get an account, it is good for some things. For example it’s good to use if you want to advertise an upcoming event. It’s also a good tool for businesses to use. They can use it to advertise a product or a TV show. Other than that I don’t see a reason to use Facebook. The whole concept of Facebook seems completely unnecessary and I want nothing to do with it. 

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