Thursday, May 2, 2013

                I didn’t think it would come so fast, but it is already May. It seems like I say it every year, but this year really did fly by. In September, one of my blogs for Blog Group A was about what I would like to accomplish this year. In that blog, I said that my goals are to make honor roll every quarter, earn a starting position in football, and join a few clubs. Were any of these goals met?
                Well, my first goal, to make honor roll all four quarters, was not a complete failure. However it wasn’t a success. I missed honor roll by less than two points for both the first and second quarters. Then I made it for the third quarter with two points to spare. The way I see it, if I can make it again this quarter, I’ll be batting .500. Not too shabby. My second goal, to earn a starting position in football, did not go exactly as I planned either. I really did work hard to get the spot, but it never happened. I did get a spot on goal line defense, where I made several good plays. Is it really a starting position though? That’s debatable. Anyway, my third goal, to join a club, ended up just like my other goals. I was interested in joining Science Olympiad, so I went to the first few meetings. However, I learned that it would conflict with my swimming schedule. So, I decided that it was not the club for me.
                It may seem like this was a total waste of a year, but I accomplished things that I did not originally set out to do. For example, during swimming I went to ECIC’s for the 100 meter Breaststroke. It was there that I beat my best time for that event. I also received my varsity letter because I was on the Varsity swim team. Lastly, I made more friends and have had a lot of good times since I wrote that blog.
So, did I meet the goals I set in September? Kinda.

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