Whelp… I’m out of ideas for choice blogs. So here’s a picture of Jack Nicholson on a banana.

This picture of him appears to be from the scene in The Shining when he uses an ax to break down the door between him and his wife and says “Here’s Johnny”. Why anyone would ever think to put a picture of Jack Nicholson on a piece of fruit is beyond me. I don’t understand how one would even do such a thing, for that matter. It seems like the banana would just get smooched. Unless, maybe it was done with one of those fake tattoos you can buy at the dollar store. However, the picture indicates that this person may have used a safety pin to get the picture on there. If that is the case, wouldn’t that rule out the possibility of it being a fake tattoo? This truly is an art form. It must take some level of skill to be able to take a picture and somehow get it onto a tropical fruit. This should be in a museum somewhere. If I had to critique it however, I would say that it would be rather difficult to determine who this is a picture of, without the other picture next to it. If I were to look at the banana alone, it would look more like a sleep deprived trucker with a beard and mustache than Jack Nicholson. Which, in and of its self is quite cool. Another problem with it is that you would have to eat it or it would spoil. It seems like a waste of time to make something that just goes bad in a week or so, like ice sculptures. However, this is probably something I would buy, but for the right price.
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