Thursday, May 2, 2013

                I do not know much about teaching, but if I had to give Ms. Chryzanowski some advice, it would be to have a short memory. What I mean is do not hold a grudge against your students. Kids tend to do a lot of stupid and irresponsible things. It is best to forgive and forget, that way they don’t hate you and write mean blogs about you, like Ben Hoy did in the beginning of the year. It will make both your and your students’ lives a lot easier. Another tip is to try to keep your class as interesting as possible because it will keep your students interested. The more interested your students are, the more they will learn.
                I think that if you can do that, you are an ideal teacher. I also think an ideal teacher doesn’t give a lot of homework. I don’t mean to sound cliché, but I’m a busy guy. I have other things to do with my spare time that doesn’t involve homework. An ideal teacher doesn’t assign two choice blogs in a single blog group either, but hey, nobody’s perfect. Lastly, I think a good teacher is always able to set time aside to help out his or her students.
                If I could say something to Ms. Chryzanowski, it would be that I enjoyed seeing around school and working with you in class. I think you will make an awesome teacher. On an unrelated note, your dog is really weird. What is it like half Labrador and half Weiner Dog? What do you even call it? A Weinador? A Labra Weiner? I’m not sure how I feel about that combination. Anyway, it was cool seeing you as a student teacher, and I wish you the best of luck in the future. 

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