Thursday, November 29, 2012

                Cats are the worst animals to have ever domesticated. Why did people even do it in the first place? How could they have possibly been useful to ancient man? It’s not like they were great for protection. Picture yourself living in a prehistoric, nomadic tribe. Now imagine that one night you’re all siting around a fire when another tribe comes and attacks you, and all you have are a bunch of useless cats. And to make things worse these people were smart and tamed a pack of those ancient wolf-dogs that probably had bear genes mixed into their DNA. Now it’s a classic battle between cats and dogs. What could your cats do to help you? Nothing, the answer is nothing at all. While you and all of the important members of the tribe are fending off the hoard of attackers and their wolf-bear-dogs, all of the cats peed in you tent and ran away. Now fast forward 12,000 years. You’re sitting at home, all alone when a couple of armed burglars break into your house. You have no guns around, but you do happen to have a cat. So what do you do? You call the police and hide under your bed where you find out that your cat took a dump in your shoes before fleeing the scene. So here you are hiding under your bed, thinking you’re going to die, the smell of poop is overwhelming and you begin to think: “What if I had gotten a dog instead?” What if you had gotten a dog instead? So now I want you to imagine the same scenario, but instead of a cat, you have a dog. So what would Lassie do? Lassie would tear that guy’s face off.  But as I am typing this I’m looking at my dogs and thinking that they would never do any of this. Honestly, the best pet to have is a goldfish; they don’t eat much, they stay out of the way and they won’t poop in your shoes. 

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