Friday, December 7, 2012

                The Walking Dead is one of my favorite shows. Almost everybody I know watches it. If you happen to watch it then you will know that Darrel is commonly the favorite character. However in the finale of season two they introduced a new character. She is a tall skinny woman named Mishone, who is a border line ninja. She even has her own katana. Her mastery in the art of killing zombies is equal to that of Darrel’s. This leads me to wonder who is better: Mishone or Darrel. Since the first season Darrel was my favorite character. He slaughters any zombies that come in his way and feels no remorse for it. Mishone, on the other hand, stabbed The Governor in the eye with a giant shard of glass. The scene couldn’t have been better. Mishone found The Governor’s daughter locked in a cage in his office. She soon found out that the little girl was a zombie. Before she could kill it The Governor walked in the room and begged her not to do it. Remembering how he sent out a team of people to kill her, she looked him right in the eyes as she stabbed her through the mouth. After several minutes of fighting with him she managed to stab him in the eye with a five inch shard of glass and run away. Then again, Darrel got shot in the head after falling off of a cliff… twice. Honestly I don’t know who is better. I think they that if they can escape their current predicament, they should get together and make a super baby who will single handedly rid the world of zombies.
                For my next blog I will write about who I think the worst characters are…….. Just kidding it’s still Carl.

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