Friday, September 28, 2012

                Of all the seasons, summer is my favorite. Summer is my favorite season because the weather is great and I don’t have to go to school. During the school year I have to do the same things every day. I get up at six in the morning and go to school to sit through the same classes every day. From there I go to whatever sport I am playing until about five o’clock. When summer comes, however, I don’t have to follow a daily routine. I get to have the choice of what to do with my day. What I choose to do varies from day to day. Most days I decide to swim in my pool, play football or hang out with my friends. I start to develop a routine again once football starts. If I have nothing to do, I enjoy relaxing by watching TV and being by the pool.  I can relax better in summer than during the school year because there are no due dates or homework assignments that I have to worry about. Not having to worry if I forgot to do any homework is arguably the best aspect of the summer season. The weather is always the best in summer. Autumn is too cold, the snow stays on the ground for too long in the winter and it rains too much in the spring, but it is just right in summer. The days are longer and the temperatures are higher in this part of the year. Another good thing about summer is that my birthday is in August. Having a birthday in August means that there’s no way it will fall on a school day. I don’t mind fall, winter or spring, but I like summer most of all.

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