Thursday, March 28, 2013


Well, I found this story on The story is called “WHAT is Kim Kardashian wearing?” Apparently it is about some ridiculous thing that Kim Kardashian wore that, based on the link above, may have something to do with a baby doll dress or something. I honestly don’t know. I didn’t even watch the video. I picked it because I was reading through the headlines on’s home page and I saw this and I thought ‘who the f-... er… uh heck cares?’  Seriously why is this on a news website? First of all, Kim Kardashian is not a good person. On the list of people/ beings that are not good, she is right up there, only behind Satan, Joseph Stalin and Ben Hoy. I don’t think she should get all of the publicity she gets either. She should not have this video made about her, let alone her own TV show. Whatever weird stuff Kim Kardashian wants to do with a baby doll dress is her business, not mine. I feel like my life has not at all been enriched by gaining this knowledge. 

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