Thursday, March 28, 2013

                It has come to my attention that Ben Hoy has accused me of being a liar and a fraud in one of his recent blogs. Ben said that I offered to give him my pen after the Canisius field trip and at the last moment pulled it away and said “just kidding”. THAT is not what happened… at least not exactly. Here’s how it really happened:
                It was cloudy day, there was a little snow on the ground, and if I recall correctly, it was quite chilly outside. I was sitting on the bus next to Ben as we headed back to the school. On our way back we stopped at McDonald’s. It was there that I noticed that Ben was looking quite bummed out. I soon discovered that he was upset because he lost his souvenir pen, so, like the good person I am, I offered to give him mine. This was a sincere offer that Ben declined. He did so by saying that my pen was ugly and that it would be below him to accept such a stupid looking pen. I was extremely offended by his remark, but, I kept my composure. When we got back to the school I got off of the bus, turned to Ben and said “I’m still going to write about this for my Act of Kindness blog.”
                Now, I know I’m no saint. Sure I sometimes forget to flush after using the toilet and every once in a while I put my nephew’s toys where he can’t reach them because it’s funny to watch him get frustrated, but don’t we all. I will admit that I am guilty of that, but “detective” Ben Hoy, “Alden’s Private eye”, as he refers to himself, is guilty of something much more serious; racial profiling. In his blog Ben said “Also his name is Hussein. How suspicious is that?” What? I must be a bad guy because he thinks my middle name is Hussein? It looks like we’ve got a crooked cop in our mitts. In fact, the legitimacy of his whole one man crime solving operation is questionable. The other day I asked to see his badge, but it was nowhere to be found. Why couldn’t he find it? Because it doesn’t exist.
                This, Ben AbuakkabarmohammadFareedZakaria Hoy, is not over yet, not by a long shot. I will have my revenge.


Well, I found this story on The story is called “WHAT is Kim Kardashian wearing?” Apparently it is about some ridiculous thing that Kim Kardashian wore that, based on the link above, may have something to do with a baby doll dress or something. I honestly don’t know. I didn’t even watch the video. I picked it because I was reading through the headlines on’s home page and I saw this and I thought ‘who the f-... er… uh heck cares?’  Seriously why is this on a news website? First of all, Kim Kardashian is not a good person. On the list of people/ beings that are not good, she is right up there, only behind Satan, Joseph Stalin and Ben Hoy. I don’t think she should get all of the publicity she gets either. She should not have this video made about her, let alone her own TV show. Whatever weird stuff Kim Kardashian wants to do with a baby doll dress is her business, not mine. I feel like my life has not at all been enriched by gaining this knowledge. 

As far as the topic of Google Glasses goes, I could care less about them. They seem pretty cool, but I wouldn’t ever use them. It seems like they would get in the way more than they actually help. I wear regular glasses which can get really annoying, and I actually need them. Unlike my regular glasses, Google Glasses are unnecessary. When I read about them online, the article advertised that you can instantly record something just by saying a simple command. This will almost never help me. Sure, if something totally amazing happened I could catch it on camera, but I would probably never watch it again. Another problem I have with them is that they are expensive. Apparently the first models to come to stores will be sold for $1500. I don’t have that much money, and even if I did I’d spend it on something more useful. Even though I’ll never buy a pair, some of the features are kind of cool and innovative. One feature that I like is the voice command. If you want to know something all you have to do is ask your glasses. I never thought that might be a way to find things out. It is also cool that Google Glasses can translate other languages for you. So if you are in another country and a local person talks to you in a different language, you’ll know what he or she is saying. But how do you talk back to them if they don’t have Google Glasses? That seems like a big flaw in the idea of having a translation feature, but it is still cool. All in all they are interesting, but I can’t imagine myself wearing Google Glasses in the future. It just seems like I have too many other devices that do the same things and cost less.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

                Now that we are getting closer and closer to spring, the weather is getting nicer out. Well, at least it should be getting nicer out. Seriously, it is snowing out more near the end of March than it has all winter. What’s up with that? Anyway, now is about the time that I usually start to work. I guess I don’t technically have a job because I am not employed “on the books” at a place of business. I work with my dad on roofs for money. During the school year I work on the weekends, and during the summer I do it whenever my dad needs me to. On the days that I have to work, my brother and I are woken up and about 7 o’clock in the morning. The first thing we do is help him load equipment onto his truck. Then we meet up with every else who we work with and go to the house that we will be working on. My first job of the day is to help them tear off the old roof. This is my favorite part of the job. To tear off the whole roof takes about two hours, depending on the size of it. Once that is done, I climb down and start to carry up materials. These items include rolls of felt, bundles of shingles, bundles of starters, nails, etc. After that I have to start cleaning up the old shingles. It’s the easiest job in the world. It involves filling an old garbage can or wheelbarrow and either dragging or wheeling it into the dumpster. Although it is easy, it is the absolute worst part. First of all it takes forever. There are little pieces that get everywhere; in their plants, trees, and it’s my job to pick it all up. Second, there’s always debris falling from the sky and landing right where I have to work. Sometimes that falling debris hits me, and instead of apologizing the guys on the roof laugh at me. Even though we are probably breaking safety and child labor laws, it is a very good job and I enjoy doing it.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

                Spring is a pretty good time of the year, I suppose. It is a lot better than winter, but not as good as fall, and certainly not as good as summer. What I think is the worst part of spring is the beginning of the season. It technically starts on March 20th, but the weather doesn’t begin to get nice until the end of April. Before then it snows for a few days, then it is nice out again. There are also times when it just rains for days on end. However, there are a lot of good things about spring. Spring is when you realize that you are, at last, in the final stretch of the school year. Another positive aspect of spring is that the days get longer. During winter it seems like it is 9 o’clock at night, when it is really only five o’clock. This increase in daylight gives me more energy and I don’t feel so lethargic. I also like doing track in the spring because all of my friends do it and it gives me a chance to spend more time outside. The end of spring, May and early June, is my favorite time of the season. It finally becomes t-shirt and shorts weather. Also, by then we are really nearing the end of the school year. When we stop learning new material in school and prepare for final exams is my favorite part of the year. However, this always seems to be the slowest part of the year because I’m anticipating summer, but it just won’t come fast enough. Lastly, Easter is in spring. This is my third favorite holiday behind Christmas and Thanksgiving. All in all, spring is a rather good time of the year and I am happy that it is almost upon us.