Friday, September 28, 2012

                When people ask me if I use Facebook I smile and say “no”. Facebook, in my opinion, is the biggest waste of time that you can find on the internet. It’s a waste of my time because I just don’t care about what people post about. Seven out of ten posts give out information that I don’t need or want. It seems pointless to me to post something that happened to you on Facebook. Knowing that two girls I vaguely know used to be best friends but never talk anymore will never benefit me in any way. Ever. It’s just not something I’d care to know about. Facebook’s only redeeming quality is that it can sometimes be fun to read the fights that people have. Facebook seems to do more harm than good anyway. People can get in a lot of trouble for the things they post. When people are angry at each other they tend to go on Facebook and post something stupid without really thinking about it. It could be considered cyber bullying and you can get into serious trouble in school because of this. Also, possible employers can use your Facebook to determine whether or not they will hire you. Although I hate Facebook and will never get an account, it is good for some things. For example it’s good to use if you want to advertise an upcoming event. It’s also a good tool for businesses to use. They can use it to advertise a product or a TV show. Other than that I don’t see a reason to use Facebook. The whole concept of Facebook seems completely unnecessary and I want nothing to do with it. 

                Of all the seasons, summer is my favorite. Summer is my favorite season because the weather is great and I don’t have to go to school. During the school year I have to do the same things every day. I get up at six in the morning and go to school to sit through the same classes every day. From there I go to whatever sport I am playing until about five o’clock. When summer comes, however, I don’t have to follow a daily routine. I get to have the choice of what to do with my day. What I choose to do varies from day to day. Most days I decide to swim in my pool, play football or hang out with my friends. I start to develop a routine again once football starts. If I have nothing to do, I enjoy relaxing by watching TV and being by the pool.  I can relax better in summer than during the school year because there are no due dates or homework assignments that I have to worry about. Not having to worry if I forgot to do any homework is arguably the best aspect of the summer season. The weather is always the best in summer. Autumn is too cold, the snow stays on the ground for too long in the winter and it rains too much in the spring, but it is just right in summer. The days are longer and the temperatures are higher in this part of the year. Another good thing about summer is that my birthday is in August. Having a birthday in August means that there’s no way it will fall on a school day. I don’t mind fall, winter or spring, but I like summer most of all.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A4 Interest Inventory

A4. Things I feel comfortable writing about. Interest Inventory.
There are a number of things that I feel comfortable writing about. I am very interested in sports. I would be the most comfortable writing about football, swimming, track and field, or baseball. I’ve played all of those sports for several seasons and know a lot about them. It doesn’t matter much if it’s for modified, J.V., or Varsity, but I would prefer to write for varsity. I could also write about different clubs and when they meet or what they will do. Upcoming events in the school or community are something that I don’t have a problem with writing about either. For example I could write about Winterfest in February. I’ve already written an article about homecoming. Other than that I don’t really have any preferences. I am always open to suggestions too. 

My favorite school year

A3. Reflect upon your years of schooling: Which one was your favorite? Why?
                Of all my years of schooling, 8th grade was my favorite year. 8th grade was better than my first two years of middle school because in 6th and 7th I was still getting the hang of how things worked. By eighth grade, however, I knew what I had to do and how to do it. I had a good system of getting things done by then. By getting my work done more efficiently I got better grades and had more time for my friends. It was also a good year because I was given more responsibility and freedom. School is a lot more enjoyable when your hand’s not being held by your teachers. What was the best about that year were sports. It’s a lot better to play sports as an upperclassman because you are on top. That’s when the coaches give you more authority and playing time. I became one of the leaders rather than a follower. I’ve found that I perform a lot better when I had people looking up to me. I think that this year will be more like 6th and 7th grade and the next three years will be like my 8th grade year.    

My goals for this school year

A2. What do you hope to accomplish this school year?
                There are a lot of things that I would like to accomplish this school year. For starters, I want to make honor roll for all four quarters this year. It has become a competition between my brother and me to see who can make the honor roll more times during the school year. The reward for the winner is personal pride and bragging rights. I was the proud victor last year when I beat him four times to three. I made sure to exercise my right to brag. Another goal of mine is to earn at least one starting position in football. As an offensive and defensive lineman there is a lot of competition for a starting spot. There are twenty-five linemen and only five starting spots for offence and two for defensive tackle. I’m currently on the second string offensive line, but if I work hard and continue to improve from week to week I think I’ll have a good chance at getting a starting spot. Lastly, I would like to join a couple of clubs. I’m thinking about joining Science Olympiad. It seems like a good club for me to join because I’m very interested in science and I would like to expand my knowledge of the subject. Students in Science Olympiad make balsa airplanes, gravity powered vehicles and robotic devises. It would also look good on a college application. A couple of my friends are planning on joining it too. I think I will be pretty successful this year.

What I did this summer.

A1. What did you do this summer?
                When the school year ended last June, I thought this summer would be just another in a long line of boring, uneventful summers. However it actually turned out to be one of the best. Just after school had ended, the carnival came to town. Although it was not as good as it was in previous years, I still had a great time. I rode rides and hung out with my friends.  The next week I went to a fourth of July party. There was good food and a lot of fireworks to play with. There wasn’t much to do for a couple of weeks after that. I worked on roofs with my dad from time to time, but that was about it until football started. Starting in mid-August, I would go to football. The practices were long, but rewarding. They normally went from four o’clock in the afternoon until eight o’clock. Having four hour practices were rewarding in that it gave me a sense of pride and accomplishment. To finish off the summer, I went on a trip with my family to Ohio to go to Cedar point and to see the Yankees play the Indians. It took over four hours to drive there. While I was at Cedar Point I had the chance to ride some of the biggest and fastest roller coasters. I rode the Top Thrill Dragster, a roller coaster that in four seconds will accelerate from zero to 120 miles per hour, take you up 420 feet at an eighty degree angle and send you hurtling toward the ground. That was by far the best ride there. Among the other rides I rode were the Millennium Force, the Magnum and the Mean Streak. After two days at the amusement, we went to Cleveland to see the Yankees and Indians play. The Yankees, unfortunately, did not end up winning the game. They Lost 3-0. Aside from that I had a great trip and an overall awesome summer.