Wednesday, January 2, 2013

                Picture this: It’s December 22nd and the apocalypse did come, not as a result of natural disasters or asteroids, but because of a virus that turned the previously living into the undead. All most overnight most of the world’s population had turned into rabid zombies, what would be the safest place to go to?
                A lot of people think that if the zombie apocalypse ever were to happen, the safest place to go would be to the nearest mall. It makes sense. There are plenty of supplies at the mall. Food, water, clothing and possibly weapons can be found, but that is as much a liability as it is an asset. In the event of a crisis such as this, looting will be rampant because people would be willing to do whatever it takes to keep themselves and their families safe. The mall would be one of the first targets. This could be very dangerous to anyone inside of the mall. Another flaw is that there are too many entrances to the building. If the doors are not barricaded properly, zombies or attackers will easily infiltrate the mall. Lastly, it would be easy to become trapped in the mall. Over time supplies will dwindle and you will be forced to leave, but this may not be possible. It is entirely possible that a large hoard of the living dead will be waiting on the outside of the mall. This would make it nearly impossible for any supplies or people to enter or exit.
                If I was in that scenario I would try to find an abandoned airport. The airport is similar to the mall because it has essential supplies like food, water and medical equipment, but for many reasons it is a better option. First, it offers more protection. Most airports are surrounded by high fences that will be useful in keeping out zombies. Also there is a ton of fuel that could last for months. Lastly there are many vehicles that will greatly help you if the airport gets overrun or drained of resources. That is why if the zombies ever come, you will find me at an airport. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

                For this blog I will not write about how I would change the world, not because I cannot handle it, but because I don’t know what I would do. The world that we live in is far too complex for me to know exactly what to change and how I would do it. Instead, I will wright a choice blog.
                A couple months ago I saw Red Dawn for the first time. It was the 1984 version with Patrick Swayze. For the past couple of years my uncle had been trying to convince me to watch it, saying that it is a “great” movie. Finally I gave in and saw it. It was not a great movie; in fact it was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in quite some time. The whole premise of it was kind of stupid. I get that it was made in the height of the Cold War and many people feared war with the Soviet Union, but I don’t understand why the Russian army would send paratroopers to attack a high school that is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. When you think of Colorado, what do you think of? Wait… let me rephrase that. When you think of Colorado in 1984 what do you think of? Not much comes to mind when I think of it. There is no major strategic value of invading Colorado. Aside from that, there were what, less than 10 kids who managed to flee to the woods? What are the chances of that group, made up of inexperienced teenagers who were led by one guy who actually knows what he’s doing, infiltrating an enemy stronghold and causing significant damage with minimal loss of life? According to the writers of the movie, they had a good chance of doing so, but according to logic, reasoning and the fact that they were up against the well trained Soviets, they most likely wouldn’t have stood a chance. I haven’t seen the new version yet, but it looks just awful. Come on, Josh Peck is in it, the fact that he was Josh from the show Drake and Josh lowers his street credit quite a bit. 

                For this blog I was given the opportunity to interview a member of the Bulldog. The person I interviewed was Lauren Kocher. Although I sit only a few seats away from her in online publishing, I did not know very much about her. During the interview I asked about her family, her interests and her personal preferences.
 To start I asked how old she was, when her birthday is and what grade she is in. I learned that she is a 17 year old junior whose birthday is on December 21St. Since Christmas is so close I asked what she would like to get the most. Like many other people she would like to receive a car, but doesn’t think it will happen any time soon. Her favorite time of year is her birthday and Christmas, which are only four days apart. She loves warm, sunny beaches, which is why she said Hawaii would be her preferred destination if she could go anywhere. I also learned that her favorite color is pink. She also “looooooooooves” sparkles and sequins. I’m not exaggerating, she actually wrote it with ten o’s in the e-mail. Lastly, I asked her to describe her family. Two words she used to describe her family were “crazy” and “unique”. She even went as far as to say “There is no one like us!”. Lauren is very close with her family and they enjoy being with each other.
This interview was a great chance for me to get to know more about Lauren, and hopefully for her to learn more about me.